Monday, October 18, 2010

Sofia Coppola Pees on My Leg, Tells Me It's Raining

First of all, I'm just going to ignore the fact that this is one of those movie trailers that tells you absolutely NOTHING about the film despite my burning desire to rant about that.

I saw the trailer for this movie over the weekend at a theater during the previews. One of my favorite pastimes is being an elitist at the movie theater during the previews and passing judgment on almost all of them in douche-like fashion. I watched this preview and thought 'I hate this style of trailer, but they're scoring big points with me by setting it to this great song by The Strokes.' Then I got to the end of the preview and saw that even though they didn't want you to know very much about the movie, they thought there were two important things to know about the film:

1. It was directed by Sofia Coppola
2. It features music by Phoenix

Wait........what? Music by Phoenix? Then why on earth are you featuring a Strokes song for the majority of the preview?! How does that make sense?! To be fair, the first 40 seconds or so of the preview is Phoenix's "Love Like a Sunset Part II," but that becomes an afterthought by the end of the preview.

Watching this preview and hearing the music will garner about three reactions, all of which are dumb:

1. You have no idea who Phoenix are but you liked the song featured in the preview so you look for it online only to realize it's not a song by Phoenix and you're wondering why you were deceived.
2. You are familiar with Phoenix (which almost certainly means you are familiar with the Strokes) and you're expressing how annoying the preview is out loud in the movie theater to the point where your girlfriend tells you to be quiet (that's what happened in my case at least).
3. You don't care and the fact that the movie features music by Phoenix means nothing to you.

So why this nonsense? Well, Sofia Coppola is dating the lead singer of Phoenix so she probably thought it would be nice to plug her boyfriend's band in the preview....but then she turns around and uses another band prominently in her preview! Isn't this kind of like cheating? I think so.

I guess ruining The Godfather Part III wasn't enough for you Ms. Coppola. You got out of my doghouse with Lost in Translation (As an aforementioned movie elitist/douche, I liked that movie even though probably the 3 people that read this blog are thinking 'omg that movie was so boring!') but now you're back in it. And you're probably in the doghouse with your boyfriend too.

1 comment:

  1. Lost in Translation sucks worse than 41 year old Brett Favre pretending his ankle is hurt
